I started reading novels written in English because it let me feel I was doing something good instead of just killing my time. Actually I just wasted more time to read them. My life is full of contradiction....Orz
Anyway, I finished this one, and I don't really like it. The timing of the story is too slow and let me feel it's just a normal story except the character can do time travel.
What a time traveler would be.
Can they change the future?
In this story, no.
Can they go everywhere they want?
No, they can't control it.
What advantages can they get?
They can win lottery if that's destined.
Any disadvantage?
They will be in anywhere at anytime suddenly and naked.
What would happen?
They can meet their wife when she was still a child.
What should they do?
Steal clothes and money, run from the police, keep future's secrets, remember everything already happened.
This design is quite new.
That's why it was one of the bestselling books in Taiwan last year.
But, I don't like it!!!
It should be more exciting, more interesting, not just deal with the relationship between family, husband and wife, friends, and what? have a baby or not. It would be a very boring story(or what should I said? a real life novel?) without time traveling.